
Video Upload

Video sharing made king even in the classroom

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Support the video sharing culture with Video Upload

Bring in an element of entertainment in the classroom by letting your students submit video responses. With just a few clicks, turn any slide into an interactive video sharing activity, and invite your students to take live video or upload from their devices. All video submissions are received and can be reviewed right within PowerPoint, making it easy to keep track of student progress and engagement. Start bringing your lessons to life with the Video Upload!

Teacher Device

Watch and review video submissions from students

Mimic video sharing platforms and turn your PowerPoint presentation into one! Let students get imaginative by letting them share video responses and watch each one live during a class.

Require response captions

Play submitted videos live

Download video submissions

Award stars

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Student device

Participants record or upload their video

Spark the fun by letting your students get creative with video submissions.

Take live video

Upload a video file from device

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Allow students to engage with media

Incorporate elements of fun and play in the classroom with Video Upload. See how you can enhance overall learning experience by involving a widely accepted culture of video sharing across sessions.

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Video sharing activities can be a fun and engaging way for students to learn and express themselves. By creating videos, whether short-form and long-form that Video Upload allows, students can apply their knowledge and skills in a creative and interactive way.

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Depending on specific activity requirements, creating and sharing videos can trigger the showcase of unique talents and perspectives. Students can use their videos to tell a story, present a topic, or demonstrate their skills in a way that is meaningful to them.

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It’s not a ClassPoint session if it’s not collaborative! Create an avenue for students to team up and work together by letting them form groups to create a video that they can share with the class to spark feedback and discussion.

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One classroom is a home to many kinds of learners. There are students who excel in written work, and there are some who shine through visual modalities. By providing students the option to create videos, you can make the learning experience more accessible and inclusive for all.

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By being able to review student responses in real-time right inside PowerPoint, maximize the opportunity to give personalized feedback to students. Provide students with more detailed and specific feedback on their work by watching and commenting on their video submissions live during a session.


Aleandro Jaguar


I found the videos gave a better platform for showing off student skills – their critical thinking was more evident verbally than in writing, and this flowed into the class discussions with increased buy-in there.

How to use ClassPoint’s Video Upload

Learn more about Video Upload here, and get creative with student submitted video activities.



ClassPoint’s Video Upload is a quiz question type that lets your students submit video responses. They can either take a live video or choose a file from their devices and submit to your PowerPoint presentation. Watch their video submissions live during an active class presentation or save them for your review!
Yes, video recordings with maximum file size of 200MB each are only accepted.
The most common video formats like MP4, MOV, WMV, AVI, etc. are supported. Should there be any issue in playing a video submission, it is highly likely to be an HEVC Codec-related problem. To further address this, you may send us an e-mail at support@inknoe.com.
Your downloaded video submissions are stored in your device’ “Downloads” folder by default. Single downloads are downloaded as separate video files in MP4, while submissions downloaded altogether using the “Download all” feature are stored in an extractable zip folder.

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